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Kristy Walters

Chairperson - Haystacks Solar Garden

Kristy Walters is Chairperson of Haystacks Solar Garden - Australia's first large scale solar garden. She has pioneered this model in Australia to enable renters, apartment dwellers and anyone who can't install rooftop solar panels to share in the benefits of solar power. This project was the brainchild of Community Power Agency - an organisation dedicated to ensuring communities can be active participants and beneficiaries from renewable energy projects - both at the community and large scales, where Kristy spent almost 5 years working both on Haystacks and many other projects.  

An experienced facilitator with a background in environmental education, campaigning and small business, she has worked in local government, private enterprise and over 15 years in NGOs. Kristy is striving to perfect a basketball lay-up, lives by the beach and cycles wherever she can.