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Kate Sowden

Executive Director - Work + Stay

Kate is the Executive Director of Work + Stay, a social enterprise supporting the sustainable growth of regional communities through a unique offering of recruitment and community connection solutions. She addresses critical regional workforce shortages by leading strategies that connect employers with skilled, culturally diverse candidates. She has also driven the creation of a vital settling-in support model that ensures Work + Stay’s candidates make strong connections in their new communities, and enjoy smooth, sustainable transitions to regional living. 

As a skilled executive leader Kate has strong experience in creating social impact, business transformation and commercial growth strategies across the not-for-profit, government and private sectors. She has significantly increased Work + Stay’s social impact at a macro and micro level. This has seen her pivot the organisation’s strategic focus and reshape the business to deliver maximum impact across regional Australia.

Kate has also stepped into an advocacy role, championing and amplifying the issues facing regional Australia. Alongside this, she is fostering sector-wide collaboration between the many organisations and solution-drivers who are supporting sustainable regional growth.

Accompanying her social impact experience Kate is an engaging public speaker who has delivered thought leadership pieces at media and industry events, and spoken at TEDx Sydney.