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Glenn Stewart

Manager - Robinvale Euston Workforce Network (REWN) 

Glenn has worked in the Robinvale Euston region for 14 years having previously been in the role as the Strategic Projects Manager of the Robinvale Advancing Country Towns initiative.  

He was the Executive Officer of the Murray Mallee LLEN based in Swan Hill for 7 years and was a secondary school teacher for 22 years. 

He also worked for the Victorian Skills Commissioner as the Mallee Skills Taskforce Project Manager for 3 years and in 2020 he took up a role as the Robinvale Community Development Advisor through the Victorian Governments Working Together in Place initiative which has now morphed into the role as the Manager of the REWN. 

The REWN is a partnership between industry, government, schools, training providers, local government, health services and other community organisations to identify the solutions needed to overcome the barriers to employment focusing on young people, adults experiencing chronic unemployment or underemployment targeting Indigenous, Pasifika and CALD cohorts. 

Glenn has held a significant number of board and advisory committee roles in Northern Victoria over the last 40 years across the areas of Economic Development, Vocational Education, Higher Education, Indigenous Affairs, Youth Affairs, School Education and Australian Rules Football Administration. 

Glenn has deep local industry connections, relevant expertise, and extensive experience in working with government and community.